Biddeford Couple Faces More than 1,500 years in prisonYou may be thinking 1,500 years in jail is a pretty long time. That's quite a few missed Christmases and birthdays, if you think about it, and your great, great, great, great, great grandchildren may not even recognize you when you get out. YOU may not recognize you.
This is, nevertheless, a just and consistent sentence for people with 60 some charges, each worth 20 years in prison. There are precedents, of course.
You may recall several years ago when a 19 year old man sent out emails to an entire school district asking for money to pay for his grandmother's funeral. The grandmother was blind stinking drunk and so may have looked dead, but a swift poke in the eye would have proved her very much alive.
The young man nevertheless collected almost $10,000 from nearly 1,500 very sympathetic people who then formed an unruly mob and quickly tracked the youth to a fine restaurant where he was impressing his girlfriend with money from his "new job". There, they beat him within an inch of his life with his own braised Duck ala Orange.
The boy was charged with 1,467 counts, each a maximum of 2 years, or 2,934 years in prison. Needless to say, the boy blamed his deadbeat dad, who it turned out was the one actually dead.
Need another example? Who could forget the jovial gentleman from the Philippines who thought it would be funny to send a virus to his three co-workers, which ended up all over the world and shut down half of Asia, gaining him a rather impressive prison sentence of 4,000,000 years and a $2 billion fine for damages. Ouch.
So, really, the couple getting 1,500 years could have had it a whole lot worse. In 4,000,000 years, its entirely possible that something could have happened to all their stuff! My car doesn't like to start after a whole weekend of sitting idle. I can't imagine how stubborn it would be after 4,000,000 years.
Minor Correction: I suppose I should mention now, months later, that some of this article was completely made up. I exaggerated one or two things, the numbers are a bit off, by one or two zeroes, or more, and the people involved, to be frank, do not exist. In fact the only truth to this entire piece is the link at the top. And I don't believe that crap for a second. I mean, c'mon! The things people will put on the internet just to get some attention. Pathetic!